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Date 2024-04-01







徵求論文主題: 1. 台語片專題:包括(但不限)個別導演研究、明星研究、製片廠研究等。 2. 跨國、跨地區(如:台日、台韓、台港、港日等)電影合拍與接收分析。 3. 影展(如:亞太影展、金馬獎等)與亞洲各國電影產業與市場之關聯研究。 4. 1970年代港台各種類型電影(如:愛情文藝片、武俠片、功夫片、黑幫片等)比較分析研究。 5. 香港各電影公司(如:卲氏、電懋、聯邦等)對於國語片產製發展研究。 6. 明星、演員的形象流轉與跨國接受(如:台語片影星的多棲發展) 7. 冷戰結構下的電影生產與展映(如:亞洲基金會、亞洲影展、自由影業總會等等)

8.電影與其他文學藝術形式的互動實踐(如:文學改編和翻拍 、戲劇、戲曲 、美術、音樂、攝影和漫畫等等)。 9.台灣電影的審查制度研究。10.台灣電影中的性別形象研究。11.日治時代台灣電影的產製與映演。12.台灣電影創作者的藝術風格研究(如:導演、編劇、剪輯、表演、電影美術、電影音樂等等) 13.台灣非劇情片(紀錄片、實驗電影)研究。



2.主旨請註明「第五屆臺灣與亞洲電影史國際研討會論文投稿」,並隨函附上個人簡歷、電話、地址或其他聯絡方式 3.論文主題與摘要以中文或英文為限,字數限 800 字以內4.聯絡電話:(02)29393091#67123







【Call for Papers】

The Fifth International Conference on the Film Histories of Taiwan and Asia Cinema, 2024

Art and Politics of Taiwan and Asian Cinema Before the 1980s

Date: August 24-25, 2024

Venue: College of Communication, National Chengchi University


Since the 1960s, there has been close interaction among film industries in various Asian countries such as Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, and South Korea, indirectly influencing the rise of cinema in Southeast Asian countries. This conference aims to explore the development of Taiwan and Asian cinema before the 1980s. We would like to call for submissions of research papers on related topics and invite distinguished scholars to give keynote speeches, to revisit the vibrant panorama of Taiwan and Asian cinemas during this period.

Call for Paper Topics:

1. Taiwanese Language Films: including (but not limited to) individual director studies, star studies, and studio studies.

2. Analysis of co-productions and reception of films across countries and regions (e.g., Taiwan-Japan, Taiwan-South Korea, Taiwan-Hong Kong, Hong Kong-Japan, etc.).

3. Research on the relationship between film festivals (e.g., Asia-Pacific Film Festival, Golden Horse Awards) and the film industries and markets in various Asian countries.

4. Comparative analysis of various types of genres in Hong Kong and Taiwan in the 1970s (e.g., romance dramas, martial arts films, kung fu films, and gangster films).

5. Research on the development of Mandarin films by various film companies in Hong Kong (e.g., Shaw Brothers, Cathay, and Union).

6. Transformation of the images of stars and their international reception (e.g., multi-faceted development of stars in Taiwanese language films).

7. Film production and exhibition under the Cold War structure (e.g., Asia Foundation, Asian-Pacific Film Festival, The Free General Association).

8. Interaction among film and other literary and artistic forms (e.g., literary adaptations and remakes, theater, traditional opera, visual arts, music, photography, and comics).

9. Study of censorship systems in the Taiwan film industry.

10. Study of gender representations in Taiwan cinema..

11. Production and exhibition of films in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period.

12. Study of artistic styles of Taiwan film creators (e.g., directors, screenwriters, editors, performers, film art, film music).

13. Research on non-feature films (documentary, experimental films) in Taiwan.

Abstract Submission:

⚫ Please submit abstracts via email to: by April 30, 2024.

⚫ Please indicate "Submission for The Fifth International Conference on the Film Histories of Taiwan and Asia Cinema" in the subject line, and include a brief personal resume, telephone number, address, or other contact information in the email.

⚫ Abstracts should be in Chinese or English, limited to 800 words or less.

⚫ Contact number: (02)29393091#67123

Important Information:

⚫ Deadline for paper abstracts: April 30, 2024.

⚫ Deadline for full papers for the Conference: July 31, 2024.

⚫ Conference dates: August 24-25, 2024.

⚫ The Conference will be mainly conducted in Chinese. Papers can be presented in either Chinese or English. No simultaneous translation available.

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