- 汪琪, 2010, 'Collectivism, relationalism, and Chinese communication, ' Chinese Journal of Communication,.(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
- 汪琪, 2010, 'Going beyond a dualistic view of culture and economic power: the case of reality television in Greater China, ' Chinese Journal of Communication.,.(本論著未刊登但已被接受) 參考連結
- 汪琪, 2009.09, 'Eurocentrism and beyond: The future of communication research from an Asian perspective, ' Asian Journal of Communication special issue,.(SSCI)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
- 汪琪, 2009, 'Going beyond the dualistic view of culture and market economy: Learning from the localization of reality television in Greater China, ' The Chinese Journal of Communication, Vol.2, No.2, pp.127-139. 參考連結
- 汪琪, 2008, 'Reconceptualizing the role of culture in media globalization: reality, ' The Austrian Journal of Development Studies, Vol.24, No.1, pp.82-98.
- 汪琪;Yeh, E.Y, 2005, 'Globalization and hybridization in cultural products, ' International Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol.8, pp.175-193..
- 汪琪, 2003, 'Foreign investment policies, sovereignty and growth, ' Telecommunications Policy, Vol.27, pp.267-282.(SSCI)
- Liu, C.C;Day, W.W.,;Sun, S.W.,;汪琪, 2002, 'User behavior and the globalness of Internet: from a Taiwan users’ perspective, ' Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol.7, No.2.
- 汪琪;Shen, Vincent, 2001, 'Searching for the Meaning of Searching for Asian Communication Theories, ' Asian Journal of Communication, Vol.10, No.2, pp.14-32.
- 汪琪, 1999, 'Regulating Network Communication in Asia: A, ' Telecommunications Policy, Vol.23, pp.277-287.(SSCI)
- 汪琪, 1997, 'Beyond Media Globalization, ' Telematics and Informatics, Vol.14, No.4, pp.357-364..
- 汪琪;Lee, Paul S. N., 1995, 'Satellite Television in Asia, ' Telecommunications Policy, Vol.19, No.2, pp.135-149.(SSCI)
- 汪琪, 1993, 'Satellite Television and the Future of Broadcast Television in the Asia Pacific, ' Media Asia, Vol.20, No.3, pp.140-148.
- 汪琪, 1991, 'Information Society in Their Mind: A Survey of College Students in Seven Nations, ' Asian Journal of Communication, Vol.1, No.2, pp.1-18.
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- 汪琪, 1986, 'Popular Music in Taiwan, ' Critical Study in Mass Communication, pp.366-368.(SSCI)
- Yum, June Ock;汪琪, 1983, 'Interethnic Perception and the Communication Behavior among Five Ethnic Groups in Hawaii, ' International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Vol.7, pp.285-308.
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- 汪琪, 1982, 'Newspaper without News, ' Journalism Quarterly, Vol.59, No.2, pp.286-289.(SSCI)
- 汪琪;McKillip, Jack, 1978, 'Ethnic Identitification and Judgements of an Accident, ' Personal and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol.4, pp.296-299.
- 汪琪, 1977, 'Utility as a Predictor of Newspaper Readership, ' Journalism Quarterly, Vol.54, No.4, pp.791-794.(SSCI)
- 汪琪, 2008.07, 'Glocalization backfired, ' International Association for Media Communication Research Conference. 參考連結
- 汪琪, 2008.07, 'Orientalism, Occidentalism and communication research, ' Chinese Communication Society Conference. 參考連結
- 汪琪, 2006.07, 'Television format in Greater China: cultural boundaries at work?, ' International Conference on Crossing Boundaries: Global Communication in the New Media Age.
- 汪琪, 2002, 'Universal Formula: The Globalness of Hollywood Blockbusters, ' International Association for Media Communication Research Conference.
- 汪琪, 2001.09, 'Hollywood and Cultural Autonomy:, ' International Conference on Cultural Rights.
- 汪琪, 2001.07, 'Hollywood the Global vs. Taiwan the Local: Universal Formula and Beyond, ' International Conference on Transculturalism.
- 汪琪;Lo, Ven-huey, 2000.07, 'When to Stop Following the Masters, ' IAMCR Conference.
- 汪琪, 2000.07, 'Foreign Investment Policies, Sovereignty, and Growth., ' International Telecommunications Society annual conference.
- 汪琪, 1999.06, 'LEOS, Restrictions on Foreign Ownership and National Sovereignty, ' International Conference on In Search of Boundaries: Communication, Nation-States and Cultural Identities.
- 汪琪, 1998.06, 'Regulating Network Communication in Asia, '.
- 汪琪, 1998.06, 'Regulating Network Communication in Asia, ' ITS Conference.
- 汪琪;Ku, Ling-ling;Liu, Chun-chou, 1998.06, 'Local and National Cultural Industries: Is There Life After Globalization?, ' International Conference on The Production and Consumption of Local and National Cultural Products in the Global Age.
- 汪琪, 1997.07, 'The Protection of Local Cultural Industries: A Regulatory Myth in the Global Age, ' International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference.
- 汪琪, 1996.08, 'Beyond Media Globalization, ' (Tele)communications Policies in Western Europe and Southeast Asia: Cultural and Historical Perspectives.
- 汪琪, 1994, 'Satellite TV and Liberalization of Broadcast Television in Asia, ' International Communication Association Conference.
- 汪琪;Tseng, Fan-tung, 1992.06, 'The First Step to Privatizing Telecommunications Industry in Taiwan, ' ITS Conference.
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- 汪琪, 1994, 'Treading Different Paths: Informatization in Asia, ' Ablex.
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- 汪琪;Dissanayake, Wimal, 1984, 'Continuity and Change in Communication Systems, ' Ablex.
- 汪琪;Yeh, E.Y, 2007, 'Globalization and hybridization in cultural production: a tale of two films, ' In K.B. Chan, J.W. Walls and D. Hayward (Eds.) East-West Identities, Brill.
- 汪琪, 2002, 'They key to media expansion: TV advertising in Taiwan, ' In Jörg Becker (Ed.) Flimmerndes Asien (Glimmering Asia)..
- 汪琪, 2001, 'Restrictions on Foreign Ownership and National Sovereignty: Whose Issue Is It, ' In Joseph Man Chan and Bryce T. McIntyre (eds.) In Search of Boundaries: Communication, Nation-States and Cultural Identities, Ablex.
- 汪琪;Lo, Ven-hwei, 2000, 'Taiwan, ' In Shelton Goonaratne (Ed.) Media in Asia, Sage Publications. 參考連結
- 汪琪;Servaes, Jan, 2000, 'Introduction, ' In Georgette Wang, Jan Servaes and Anura Goonasekera (Eds.) The New Communications Landscape: Demystifying Media Globalization, Routledge. 參考連結
- 汪琪;Ku, Ling-ling,;Chun-chou Liu, 2000, 'Local and National Cultural Industries: Is There Life After Globalization?, ' In Georgette Wang, Jan Servaes and Anura Goonasekera (Eds.) The New Communications Landscape: Demystifying Media Globalization, Routledge.
- 汪琪, 1998, 'Protecting the Local Cultural Industry: A Regulatory Myth in the Global Age, ' In Anura Goonasekera and Paul S.N. Lee (Eds.) TV without Borders, AMIC.
- 汪琪;Chen, Pai-lin;Liu, Chun-chou, 1998, 'Deregulating Telecommunication Services in Greater China, ' In Donald M. Lamberton (Ed.) Communication and Trade., Hampton Press.
- 汪琪, 1997, 'Communication Ethics in a Changing Chinese Society: The Case of Taiwan, ' In Clifford Christians and Michael Traber (Eds.) Communication Ethics and Universal Values, Sage Publications..
- 汪琪;Tseng, Fan-tung, 1996, 'The Beginning of a New Era: Privatization of Telecommunications in Taiwan, ' .” In Paul S.N. Lee (Ed.) Telecommunications and Development in China, Hampton Press.
- 汪琪, 1995, 'Development of Videotex in Taiwan, ' In Eddie C.Y. Kuo and K.C. Ho (Eds.) Videotex Development in the Asia-Pacific., AMIC.
- 汪琪, 1995, 'Seeking the Best Integration: Popular Music in Taiwan, ' In Alison Ewbank and Fouli T. Papageorgiou (Eds.) Whose Master Voice?, Greenwood Press.
- 汪琪, 1986, 'Information Revolution in Taiwan: Economic Concerns and Beyond, ' In Meheroo Jussawalla, Dan J. Wedemeyer and Vijay Menon (Eds.) The Passing of Remoteness, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
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